ISSN (online): 1996-1944
Journal Sheet: Materials

Call of the Journal:

- Additive Manufacturing Methods and Modeling Approaches

- Advanced Carbon Materials in Water Treatment or Separations Technology

- Advanced Functional Hybrid Materials for Novel Biomolecular Electronics

- Advances in Biomaterials | Design, Synthesis, Characterisation and Biomedical Application

- Advances in Construction and Building Materials

- Advances in Green Construction Materials

- Assessment of Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of Welded Joints via Numerical Simulation and Experiments

- Carbon Compounds-Reinforced Ceramics

- Concrete and Waterproofing Materials | Development of Waterproofing Technology for Buildings and Civil Concrete Structures

- Corrosion Inhibitors for Steel | Experimental and Theoretical Studies

- Damage and Failure of Polymers, Polymer-Like Materials, Adhesives and Polymer Nanocomposites

- Development of Energy Storage or Conversion Element Based on Various Nano Materials

- Dyes | Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

- Dynamic Behavior of Ceramic Composites

- Flexible Sensors and Actuators for Novel Wearable Solutions

- Fundamentals and Applications of Bionano Sensor Techniques

- Graphene Foam Based Composites

- Growth and Application of Foam-Based Materials

- High Performance Concrete

- Hybrid Noble Metal/Graphene Aerogels | Synthesis, Characterization and Applications for Chemical Sensing and Biosensing

- Hydrogen Storage and Fuel Cells | Materials, Characterization and Applications

- Load Test and Numerical Analysis on Construction Materials

- Machining and Surface Properties of Steel Parts

- Materials under Extreme Conditions | Technologies for CRMs Reduction, Substitution and Recovery

- Microplastics and Nanoplastics | From Resource to Pollution

- Mineral-Bonded Composites for Enhanced Structural Impact Safety

- Modification and Processing of Biodegradable Polymers

- Nanostructured Semiconductors for Photoinduced Applications

- Novel Inorganic Adsorbents for Environmental Purification

- Numerical Simulation and Experimental Studies of Wave Phenomena in Composite Materials

- Performance Research of Polyurethane Foams and Composites

- Physics, Electrical and Structural Properties of Dielectric Layers

- Precision and Ultra-Precision Subtractive and Additive Manufacturing Processes of Alloys and Steels

- Processing and Thermal Properties of Hybrid Composites

- Recent Advances in 3D Printing for Biomaterials

- Recent Progress in the Development, Material Properties, and Post-Processing of Additively Manufactured Components

- Silica and Silica-based Materials for Biotechnology, Polymer Composites and Environmental Protection

- Study on the Modification and Compressive Properties of Concrete Buildings Materials

- Superconductors for Opto-Nano and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (O-N/MEMS)

- Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites

- Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Polymer Blends

- Testing of Materials and Elements in Civil Engineering

- The Science and Technology of 3D Printing

Year of the Pubblication: 2021
Paper Submission Deadline
Publishing Date

Add to Calendar 02/02/2021 08:00 Europe/Rome Silica and Silica-based Materials for Biotechnology, Polymer Composites and Environmental Protection

Although in recent years silica and silica-based materials has become one of the most frequently used materials in a various branches of science and industry, their use in biotechnology still is an very intensively expanding fields in materials chemistry. This is due to the extraordinary stability and mechanical resistance of the silica, its neutral character for most of the molecules as well as surface properties, such as well-defined surface area and the presence of numerous of hydroxyl moieties. These properties make silica extremely interesting for biotechnological application including, among others, adsorption of hazardous pollutants, catalysis, enzyme immobilization, drug delivery systems and development of novel, eco-friendly solutions. The increasingly growing number of possibilities to design and develop novel synthesis approaches and to use advanced characterization techniques of the silica and silica-based materials gives the opportunity to apply these materials, for instance in sophisticated medical and catalytic solutions. Nevertheless, further scientific studies are still required as development of the novel silica-based materials acts as a driving force for a widespread application of the above-mentioned systems in the field of biotechnology. This Special Issue welcomes articles concerning synthesis, characterization and application of silica and silica-based materials in various areas of biotechnology. We hope to attract both, original research papers related to the fundamental science and practical application of silica and silica-based materials in biotechnology as well as review articles describing the current state of the knowledge.
Keywords: silica; biomaterials; silica-based materials; silica for biotechnology; polymer composites; environmental protection.

Code: CFP-M110-SI4_2021
Posting date: 06/11/2020

Silica and Silica-based Materials for Biotechnology, Polymer Composites and Environmental Protection

Aims and Scope

Although in recent years silica and silica-based materials has become one of the most frequently used materials in a various branches of science and industry, their use in biotechnology still is an very intensively expanding fields in materials chemistry. This is due to the extraordinary stability and mechanical resistance of the silica, its neutral character for most of the molecules as well as surface properties, such as well-defined surface area and the presence of numerous of hydroxyl moieties. These properties make silica extremely interesting for biotechnological application including, among others, adsorption of hazardous pollutants, catalysis, enzyme immobilization, drug delivery systems and development of novel, eco-friendly solutions. The increasingly growing number of possibilities to design and develop novel synthesis approaches and to use advanced characterization techniques of the silica and silica-based materials gives the opportunity to apply these materials, for instance in sophisticated medical and catalytic solutions. Nevertheless, further scientific studies are still required as development of the novel silica-based materials acts as a driving force for a widespread application of the above-mentioned systems in the field of biotechnology. This Special Issue welcomes articles concerning synthesis, characterization and application of silica and silica-based materials in various areas of biotechnology. We hope to attract both, original research papers related to the fundamental science and practical application of silica and silica-based materials in biotechnology as well as review articles describing the current state of the knowledge.
Keywords: silica; biomaterials; silica-based materials; silica for biotechnology; polymer composites; environmental protection.

Air Pollution, Bio-based Materials, Biotechnology, Chemical & Material Sciences, Industry 4.0, Interdisciplinary Approach, Nature-based Solutions
Review process
The Journal adopts double-blind peer review process
Indexed By

ADS-Astrophysics Data System, AGORA(FAO), CAB Abstracts(CABI), Chemical Abstracts (ACS), Current Contents-Engineering, Computing & Technology (Clarivate Analytics), DOAJ, Ei Compendex/Engineering Village (Elsevier), Genamics JournalSeek, Global Health (CABI), HINARI (WHO), Inspec (IET), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics), Julkaisufoorumi Publication Forum (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies), Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (NSD), Polymer Library (Smithers Rapra), PubMed (NLM), Science Citation Index Expanded – Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus (Elsevier), Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), Zetoc (British Library), CLOCKSS (Digital Archive), e-Helvetica (Swiss National Library Digital Archive), PubMed Central (NLM), Academic OneFile (Gale/Cengage Learning), EBSCOhost (EBSCO Publishing), Energy & Power Source (EBSCO), Engineering Source (EBSCO), Google Scholar, J-Gate (Informatics India), Materials Science & Engineering (ProQuest).


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Call webpage
Additional Notice from the Editor

Guest Editors
Assist. Prof. Jakub Zdarta
Prof. Teofil Jesionowski