ISSN (online): 2412-3811
Journal Sheet: Infrastructures

Call of the Journal:

- Advances in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

- Advances in the Management and Application of Construction and Demolition Waste

- Agricultural Infrastructure

- Application of Artificial Intelligence to Model the Behavior of Infrastructure

- Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in NDE and Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures

- Big Data Analysis and Visualization in Transport Infrastructure | Challenges for Operations, Control, and Planning

- Critical Infrastructure Resilience Facing Extreme Weather Events

- Designing and Managing the Next Generation of Transportation Infrastructure

- Durability of Concrete Infrastructure

- Innovative Practices into Road Pavement Maintenance Management

- Inspection, Assessment and Retrofit of Transport Infrastructure

- Neural Networks in Land Transport, Vehicle and Railway Engineering

- Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation for Civil Infrastructures

- Pavement Management | Inspection and Life-Cycle Assessment

- Pedestrian and Bicycle Mobility in the Future Cities of the World | Between Adapting Infrastructure and Changing Behavior

- Rail Infrastructures

- Reliability and Durability of Pipelines

- Remote Sensing and Infrastructure Information Models | Methods, Applications and Smart Management of Infrastructure Data

- Research and Developments in Pavements

- Resilient and Smart Transport Infrastructure for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

- Reusing, Recycling and Repurposing Infrastructure | Components and Construction Materials

- Road and Rail Infrastructures

- Seismic Reliability Assessment and Advances in Structural Modelling

- Selected Papers from the 8th Civil Structural Health Monitoring Workshop

- Smart Infrastructures

- Smart Materials for Sustainable Infrastructures

- Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructures

- Structural Assessment and Health Monitoring of Infrastructures

- Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures

- Structural Performances of Bridges

- Sustainability of Building Materials and Structures

- Sustainability of Concrete Infrastructures | New Applications, Monitoring and Retrofitting

- Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC)

- Underground Infrastructure Engineering

Year of the Pubblication: 2021
Paper Submission Deadline
Publishing Date

Add to Calendar 04/01/2021 08:00 Europe/Rome Road and Rail Infrastructures

Road and rail infrastructure are critical systems that can instigate significant changes in social and economic growth, security, safety, and sustainable development in any country. At present, some of these critical infrastructure networks are aging and on the verge of failing due to exposure to extreme weather conditions. This is likely exacerbated by multiple hazards and climate change over their lifecycle. Emerging risks and their significant consequences, with no sign of early warnings, have been evidenced by many extreme events, such as the Nepal earthquakes, the Madrid train bombing, the Brussels metro attack, etc. The majority of past research emphasized the robustness of the critical infrastructure systems. Insights into infrastructure vulnerability and resilience are desperately needed to improve and modernize road and rail infrastructures from a fundamental design principle viewpoint. Many critical issues, such as choice of materials, durability, capacity and vulnerability, engineering properties, functionality requirements, and design concepts, remain unknown or unchanged. This causes uncertainties and safety risks within the infrastructure systems. This Special Issue will address some of the most essential issues currently affecting the safety, resilience, and vulnerability of road and rail infrastructure systems. Rebuilding and enhancing urban infrastructure systems faces problems, beyond the search for engineering solutions. It is vital to instigate infrastructure adaptation actions to: (i) reduce exposure to hazards (e.g., by providing more robust and/or better designed structures); (ii) reduce the consequences of the hazard (e.g., using the affected resource more prudently, by reducing other pressures, and through preparation and readiness); and (iii) improve recovery from the hazard impact (by investing in effective recovery procedures). Thus, this Special Issue will accept various novel and original research topics related to road and rail infrastructure systems, including, but not limited to: Fundamental engineering design; Safety, risks, and uncertainty; Smart infrastructure; Novel materials such as composites, metamaterials, etc.; Transportation geotechniques; Road and rail transportation; Mechanics, prognostics, and diagnostics; Health monitoring, inspection, NDT&E (non-destructive testing and evaluation), and signal processing; Data science and artificial intelligence; Multi-hazards and climate change adaptation; New technologies such as digital twins, BIM, decarbonization technologies, advanced sensors, etc.
Keywords: road; rail; infrastructure; transportation; multi-hazards; critical infrastructures.

Code: CFP-I101-SI29_2021
Posting date: 19/10/2020

Road and Rail Infrastructures

Aims and Scope

Road and rail infrastructure are critical systems that can instigate significant changes in social and economic growth, security, safety, and sustainable development in any country. At present, some of these critical infrastructure networks are aging and on the verge of failing due to exposure to extreme weather conditions. This is likely exacerbated by multiple hazards and climate change over their lifecycle. Emerging risks and their significant consequences, with no sign of early warnings, have been evidenced by many extreme events, such as the Nepal earthquakes, the Madrid train bombing, the Brussels metro attack, etc. The majority of past research emphasized the robustness of the critical infrastructure systems. Insights into infrastructure vulnerability and resilience are desperately needed to improve and modernize road and rail infrastructures from a fundamental design principle viewpoint. Many critical issues, such as choice of materials, durability, capacity and vulnerability, engineering properties, functionality requirements, and design concepts, remain unknown or unchanged. This causes uncertainties and safety risks within the infrastructure systems. This Special Issue will address some of the most essential issues currently affecting the safety, resilience, and vulnerability of road and rail infrastructure systems. Rebuilding and enhancing urban infrastructure systems faces problems, beyond the search for engineering solutions. It is vital to instigate infrastructure adaptation actions to: (i) reduce exposure to hazards (e.g., by providing more robust and/or better designed structures); (ii) reduce the consequences of the hazard (e.g., using the affected resource more prudently, by reducing other pressures, and through preparation and readiness); and (iii) improve recovery from the hazard impact (by investing in effective recovery procedures). Thus, this Special Issue will accept various novel and original research topics related to road and rail infrastructure systems, including, but not limited to: Fundamental engineering design; Safety, risks, and uncertainty; Smart infrastructure; Novel materials such as composites, metamaterials, etc.; Transportation geotechniques; Road and rail transportation; Mechanics, prognostics, and diagnostics; Health monitoring, inspection, NDT&E (non-destructive testing and evaluation), and signal processing; Data science and artificial intelligence; Multi-hazards and climate change adaptation; New technologies such as digital twins, BIM, decarbonization technologies, advanced sensors, etc.
Keywords: road; rail; infrastructure; transportation; multi-hazards; critical infrastructures.

Adaptation Strategies, Advanced Materials, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Materials, Big Data, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Chemical & Material Sciences, Civil Engineering, Clean Technologies, Climate Change, Data Management, Data Sensing and Analysis, Design, Geotechnical Engineering, Green Infrastructures, Infrastructures, Innovative Materials, Innovative Technologies, Materials, Mechanical Engineering, Methods for Diagnostics, Monitoring, Nanomaterials, Nondestructive Tests, Performance Evaluation, Railway Infrastructures, Recycled Materials, Resilience, Risk Management, Safety and Security, Sensors, Smart Infrastructure, Smart Materials, Testing, Transport infrastructures, Urban Infrastructures
Review process
The Journal adopts double-blind peer review process
Indexed By

DOAJ, Inspec (IET), Scopus (Elsevier), CLOCKSS (Digital Archive), e-Helvetica (Swiss National Library Digital Archive), Google Scholar, J-Gate (Informatics India), ProQuest Central (ProQuest), Science In Context (Gale/Cengage Learning).


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Call webpage
Additional Notice from the Editor

Guest Editors
Dr. Sakdirat Kaewunruen
Prof. Erol Tutumluer
Prof. Alex M. Remennikov