Call of the Journal:
- Advances in the Management and Application of Construction and Demolition Waste
- Agricultural Infrastructure
- Application of Artificial Intelligence to Model the Behavior of Infrastructure
- Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in NDE and Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures
- Big Data Analysis and Visualization in Transport Infrastructure | Challenges for Operations, Control, and Planning
- Critical Infrastructure Resilience Facing Extreme Weather Events
- Designing and Managing the Next Generation of Transportation Infrastructure
- Durability of Concrete Infrastructure
- Innovative Practices into Road Pavement Maintenance Management
- Inspection, Assessment and Retrofit of Transport Infrastructure
- Neural Networks in Land Transport, Vehicle and Railway Engineering
- Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation for Civil Infrastructures
- Pavement Management | Inspection and Life-Cycle Assessment
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Mobility in the Future Cities of the World | Between Adapting Infrastructure and Changing Behavior
- Rail Infrastructures
- Reliability and Durability of Pipelines
- Remote Sensing and Infrastructure Information Models | Methods, Applications and Smart Management of Infrastructure Data
- Research and Developments in Pavements
- Resilient and Smart Transport Infrastructure for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
- Reusing, Recycling and Repurposing Infrastructure | Components and Construction Materials
- Road and Rail Infrastructures
- Seismic Reliability Assessment and Advances in Structural Modelling
- Selected Papers from the 8th Civil Structural Health Monitoring Workshop
- Smart Infrastructures
- Smart Materials for Sustainable Infrastructures
- Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructures
- Structural Assessment and Health Monitoring of Infrastructures
- Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures
- Structural Performances of Bridges
- Sustainability of Building Materials and Structures
- Sustainability of Concrete Infrastructures | New Applications, Monitoring and Retrofitting
- Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC)
- Underground Infrastructure Engineering
Infrastructures is an international scholarly journal covering all aspects of infrastructure engineering. The journal publishes regular research papers, critical reviews, and short communications. There is no restriction on the length of papers. We aim to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research in as much detail as possible. Full experimental and/or methodological details must be provided for research articles. The scope of Infrastructures includes applications in road, railway, coastal, airport, and energy infrastructures.
DOAJ, Inspec (IET), Scopus (Elsevier), CLOCKSS (Digital Archive), e-Helvetica (Swiss National Library Digital Archive), Google Scholar, J-Gate (Informatics India), ProQuest Central (ProQuest), Science In Context (Gale/Cengage Learning).
Info at: www.mdpi.com/journal/infrastructures/apc