ISSN (online): 2076-3298
Journal Sheet: Environments
Year of the Pubblication: 2021
Paper Submission Deadline
Publishing Date

Add to Calendar 03/31/2021 08:00 Europe/Rome Response to Current Air Quality Changes in Small and Large Areas

Good environmental health leads to good human health, which is why air quality is a key environmental issue in the current scientific research. At present, social concern is great, and a significant effort is being made to improve air quality through legislation for emissions reduction. In addition to the negative effects on human health, air quality changes are responsible for different responses of the urban fabric, such as modifications of the biology and weathering of building materials (including soiling and discoloration). This Special Issue invites contributions from researchers across the globe to suggest, discuss, and address some effects associated with air quality changes in different areas at the municipal, regional, state, national, and global levels. The topics of interest include but are not limited to: Green policies related to air quality; Record changes in air quality due to the Covid-19 crisis; Record changes in air quality due to global change; Current air quality changes in the context of smart cities; Patterns and drivers on built structures to the understanding of air quality change.
Keywords: Air pollution; Bioindicators; Biomonitoring; Building maintenance; Cultural heritage; Green policies; Records; Smart cities; Temporal trends; Urban fabric.

Code: CFP-E100-SI6_2021
Posting date: 19/10/2020

Response to Current Air Quality Changes in Small and Large Areas

Aims and Scope

Good environmental health leads to good human health, which is why air quality is a key environmental issue in the current scientific research. At present, social concern is great, and a significant effort is being made to improve air quality through legislation for emissions reduction. In addition to the negative effects on human health, air quality changes are responsible for different responses of the urban fabric, such as modifications of the biology and weathering of building materials (including soiling and discoloration). This Special Issue invites contributions from researchers across the globe to suggest, discuss, and address some effects associated with air quality changes in different areas at the municipal, regional, state, national, and global levels. The topics of interest include but are not limited to: Green policies related to air quality; Record changes in air quality due to the Covid-19 crisis; Record changes in air quality due to global change; Current air quality changes in the context of smart cities; Patterns and drivers on built structures to the understanding of air quality change.
Keywords: Air pollution; Bioindicators; Biomonitoring; Building maintenance; Cultural heritage; Green policies; Records; Smart cities; Temporal trends; Urban fabric.

Air Pollution, Artificial Materials, Big Data, Biodiversity, Bioengineering, Circular Economy, Civil Engineering, Clean Technologies, Climate Change, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Landscape, Data Analysis Processes, Data Management, Data Sensing and Analysis, Decision Support Systems, Digital Technologies, Dynamic Models, Ecology, Ecosystems, Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact, Environmental Sustainability, Environmental Technologies, Future Developments, Green Cities, Green Materials, Green Policies, Habitats, Health & Wellbeing, ICT, Industry 4.0, Innovative Materials, Innovative Technologies, Interdisciplinary Approach, Internet of Things (IoT), Maintenance, Methodology, Modeling, Monitoring, Natural Materials, Nature-based Solutions, Performance Evaluation, Process Management, Process Modeling and Simulation, Public Spaces, Recycled Materials, Resilience, Risk Management, Safety and Security, SDGs 2030, Smart Cities, Smart Materials, Sustainable Cities, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Materials, Urban Vegetation, Vegetation
Review process
The Journal adopts double-blind peer review process
Indexed By

AGRICOLA (National Agricultural Library), AGRIS Agricultural Sciences and Technology (FAO), DOAJ, Emerging Sources Citation Index – Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), Genamics JournalSeek, GeoRef (American Geosciences Institute),Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (NSD), Scopus (Elsevier) Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), CLOCKSS (Digital Archive), e-Helvetica (Swiss National Library Digital Archive), Academic OneFile (Gale/Cengage Learning), Google Scholar J-Gate (Informatics India), ProQuest Central (ProQuest), Science In Context (Gale/Cengage Learning), WorldCat (OCLC).


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Additional Notice from the Editor

Guest Editors
Dr. Zulema Varela Río
Dr. Hector Morillas
Dr. Patricia Sanmartín