Adaptive Façade, Advanced Materials, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Materials, Automation, Big Data, Bio-based Materials, Biomass, Building Components, Building Envelope, Circular Economy, Civil Engineering, Clean Technologies, Complex Systems, Computational Aerodynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Data Management, Data Sensing and Analysis, Decision Support Systems, Design Computing Systems, Dynamic Models, Ecology, Ecosystems, Energy Efficiency, Energy Production, Energy Retrofitting, Energy Storage, Environmental Impact, Environmental Sustainability, Geothermal, Green Buildings, Green Materials, Health & Wellbeing, Human-computer Interface, Hydraulic Engineering, Hydrogen Energy, ICT, Indoor Thermal Comfort, Industry 4.0, Innovative Technologies, Interdisciplinary Approach, Internet of Things (IoT), Lighting and Daylighting, Mechanical Engineering, Modeling, Monitoring, Nanotechnology, Natural Materials, Nature-based Solutions, Performance Evaluation, Performance-based Design, Process Modeling and Simulation, Recycled Materials, Renewable Energy, Renewable Resources, Resilience, SDGs 2030, Smart Buildings, Smart Grids, Smart Materials, Sustainable Construction, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Materials, Thermal Energy, Water Resources Engineering, Wind Energy