Call of the Journal:
Environment and Planning B | Urban Analytics and City Science
Environment and Planning B | Urban Analytics and City Science is an international, multidisciplinary journal focused on the application of quantitative, computational, design and visual methods to the spatial and morphological structure of cities and regions. Areas of methodological interest include geocomputation, spatial statistics, geographical information science, computational modelling, visualisation, agent based modelling, crowdsourcing, big data, optimisation, and urban analytics. Papers are invited that provide empirical evidence for understanding, planning or theorising how urban systems and processes emerge. We welcome papers that show how formal models can be used to explore how cities and their elements behave, reproduce, evolve, or impact upon urban forms and functions, and on the livability, equality and sustainability of cities. Papers on topical themes such as complexity theory, smart cities, and urban science are encouraged.
Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents – Social & Behavioral Sciences; Clarivate Analytics: Social Science Citation Index; EBSCOhost; PubMed: MEDLINE (selectively indexed); SCOPUS.
Info at: journals.sagepub.com/author-instructions/EPB#OpenAccess