Paper Submission Deadline

Add to Calendar 06/01/2021 08:00 Europe/Rome Hydrogen Economy Technologies

In recent years, the use of hydrogen as a fuel supply for transportation, heating, and seasonal energy storage for a future decarbonized energy system has gained growing interest from researchers and industry. As opposed to hydrogen produced by electrolyzers in which electricity is based on coal, which is often termed “black” hydrogen, hydrogen obtained by electricity from renewable energy sources is opening new perspectives as a clean energy carrier. It can be utilized in fuel cells and vehicles by suitable power handling systems. For electrolyzer and fuel cell applications, DC/DC converters must meet several challenging issues, such as energy efficiency, low or high conversion ratios, and current ripple reduction. Furthermore, the availability and reliability of power converters remain major concerns so that multi-source systems based on RES and hydrogen technologies can guarantee a high-level of autonomy in case of electrical failures. Electric vehicles can use hydrogen to supply fuel cells, which increase their autonomy compared to battery powered vehicles. Alternatively, hydrogen can be exploited directly by internal combustion engines. In any case, some challenges related to storage, transportation, and safety have to be addressed. The advantage of fuel storage can be obtained by increasing the pressure of hydrogen gas, but this requires suitable tanks. Transportation infrastructure could be optimized by producing hydrogen locally, but suitably designed filling stations are needed. Finally, appropriate safety measures are required to keep hydrogen hazards to a minimum. Only by improving technologies will hydrogen be introduced as a safe and sustainable energy carrier. This Special Issue aims at attracting original high-quality papers and review articles focused on technologies related to the production, use, and storage of hydrogen.
Prospective authors may submit contributions dealing with, but not limited to, the following topics: Power converter topologies for electrolyzers and fuel cells; Fault-tolerant topologies and controls for fuel cells and electrolyzers; Impacts of power electronics systems on fuel cell and electrolyzer operating behavior; Control of power converter topologies; Reliability of hydrogen production plants; New solutions for storage and transportation; Integration with different energy storage systems; Impacts of hydrogen on economy and life-style; Life cycle assessment from cradle to grave; Knowledge transfer from research to education and training; Knowledge dissemination for public acceptance of a hydrogen economy; Near and long term strategies.
Keywords: fuel cell; electrolyzer; power electronics; hydrogen economy; reliability; storage; transportation; electric vehicles; life cycle assessment; hydrogen integration.

Code: CFP-CT105-SI6_2021
Posting date: 07/11/2020

Hydrogen Economy Technologies

Aims and Scope

In recent years, the use of hydrogen as a fuel supply for transportation, heating, and seasonal energy storage for a future decarbonized energy system has gained growing interest from researchers and industry. As opposed to hydrogen produced by electrolyzers in which electricity is based on coal, which is often termed “black” hydrogen, hydrogen obtained by electricity from renewable energy sources is opening new perspectives as a clean energy carrier. It can be utilized in fuel cells and vehicles by suitable power handling systems. For electrolyzer and fuel cell applications, DC/DC converters must meet several challenging issues, such as energy efficiency, low or high conversion ratios, and current ripple reduction. Furthermore, the availability and reliability of power converters remain major concerns so that multi-source systems based on RES and hydrogen technologies can guarantee a high-level of autonomy in case of electrical failures. Electric vehicles can use hydrogen to supply fuel cells, which increase their autonomy compared to battery powered vehicles. Alternatively, hydrogen can be exploited directly by internal combustion engines. In any case, some challenges related to storage, transportation, and safety have to be addressed. The advantage of fuel storage can be obtained by increasing the pressure of hydrogen gas, but this requires suitable tanks. Transportation infrastructure could be optimized by producing hydrogen locally, but suitably designed filling stations are needed. Finally, appropriate safety measures are required to keep hydrogen hazards to a minimum. Only by improving technologies will hydrogen be introduced as a safe and sustainable energy carrier. This Special Issue aims at attracting original high-quality papers and review articles focused on technologies related to the production, use, and storage of hydrogen.
Prospective authors may submit contributions dealing with, but not limited to, the following topics: Power converter topologies for electrolyzers and fuel cells; Fault-tolerant topologies and controls for fuel cells and electrolyzers; Impacts of power electronics systems on fuel cell and electrolyzer operating behavior; Control of power converter topologies; Reliability of hydrogen production plants; New solutions for storage and transportation; Integration with different energy storage systems; Impacts of hydrogen on economy and life-style; Life cycle assessment from cradle to grave; Knowledge transfer from research to education and training; Knowledge dissemination for public acceptance of a hydrogen economy; Near and long term strategies.
Keywords: fuel cell; electrolyzer; power electronics; hydrogen economy; reliability; storage; transportation; electric vehicles; life cycle assessment; hydrogen integration.

Bioenergy, Biotechnology, Business, Economics & Management, Clean Technologies, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Data Management, Data Sensing and Analysis, Decision Support Systems, Development Economics, Energy Efficiency, Energy Production, Energy Storage, Environmental Sustainability, Green Mobility, Higher Education, Hydrogen Energy, Industry 4.0, Innovative Technologies, Interdisciplinary Approach, Mobility, Nature-based Solutions, Performance Evaluation, Process Management, Process Modeling and Simulation, Renewable Energy, Renewable Resources, SDGs 2030, Smart Grids, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Energy
Review process
The Journal adopts double-blind peer review process
Indexed By

DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals, CLOCKSS (Digital Archive), e-Helvetica (Swiss National Library Digital Archive), Academic OneFile (Gale/Cengage Learning), Google Scholar, J-Gate (Informatics India), Science In Context (Gale/Cengage Learning).


Info at: www.mdpi.com/journal/cleantechnol/apc

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Additional Notice from the Editor

Guest Editors
Dr. Damien Guilbert
Prof. Dr. Gianpaolo Vitale