Paper Submission Deadline

Add to Calendar 03/13/2021 08:00 Europe/Rome Artificial Intelligence in Heritage Science

The advent of the deep learning era brings about an increasing interest for artificial intelligence applications in diverse domains. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and archaeology, or Cultural Heritage (CH) in general, have already crossed paths in a number of occasions. From scientific visualization and data representation, to knowledge management, empowerment of research, digital applications for museums, sites and tourism, AI is expected to be ubiquitous and game-changing in the following decades. AI has already successfully appeared in a diverse set of CH applications, including element/mineral identification, virtual museums, historical document analysis, natural language processing, semantics and knowledge extraction, automated processes in digitization, recommenders, storytelling and personalization. This session aims to attract researchers in this strongly cross-disciplinary domain and give floor to the dialogue between AI and CH, towards the digital heritage of the future. Topics of interest in this session include, but are not limited to: AI in digital archaeology, digitization and on-site documentation; AI in digital cultural content/object analysis;  AI in content-based classification and retrieval; AI in archaeometry and data analysis; AI in natural language processing and CH applications; AI in semantics and knowledge representation; AI in museums and cultural tourism; AI in virtual systems for education and tourism; Computational archaeology; Intelligent methods in spatial and temporal analysis; AI and simulations in archaeology and CH; Intelligent crowdsourcing approaches.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; machine learning; digital humanities.

Code: CFP-H108-SI5_2021
Posting date: 07/11/2020

Artificial Intelligence in Heritage Science

Aims and Scope

The advent of the deep learning era brings about an increasing interest for artificial intelligence applications in diverse domains. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and archaeology, or Cultural Heritage (CH) in general, have already crossed paths in a number of occasions. From scientific visualization and data representation, to knowledge management, empowerment of research, digital applications for museums, sites and tourism, AI is expected to be ubiquitous and game-changing in the following decades. AI has already successfully appeared in a diverse set of CH applications, including element/mineral identification, virtual museums, historical document analysis, natural language processing, semantics and knowledge extraction, automated processes in digitization, recommenders, storytelling and personalization. This session aims to attract researchers in this strongly cross-disciplinary domain and give floor to the dialogue between AI and CH, towards the digital heritage of the future. Topics of interest in this session include, but are not limited to: AI in digital archaeology, digitization and on-site documentation; AI in digital cultural content/object analysis;  AI in content-based classification and retrieval; AI in archaeometry and data analysis; AI in natural language processing and CH applications; AI in semantics and knowledge representation; AI in museums and cultural tourism; AI in virtual systems for education and tourism; Computational archaeology; Intelligent methods in spatial and temporal analysis; AI and simulations in archaeology and CH; Intelligent crowdsourcing approaches.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; machine learning; digital humanities.

AEC Design Tools, Archaeological Heritage, Architectural Heritage, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Conservation Process, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Tourism, Data Analysis Processes, Data Management, Data Sensing and Analysis, Decision Support Systems, Digital Representation, Digital Technologies, Enhancement, Enjoyment, Future Developments, Higher Education, Human-computer Interface, ICT, Industry 4.0, Innovative Techniques, Interdisciplinary Approach, Internet of Things (IoT), Methodology, Modeling, Monitoring, Performance Evaluation, Process Management, Process Modeling and Simulation, Project Management, Rehabilitation, Restoration, Risk Management, SDGs 2030, Service Innovation, Simulation Tools, Smart Tools
Review process
The Journal adopts double-blind peer review process
Indexed By

DOAJ, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (NSD), CLOCKSS (Digital Archive), e-Helvetica (Swiss National Library Digital Archive), Academic OneFile (Gale/Cengage Learning), Google Scholar, J-Gate (Informatics India), Science In Context (Gale/Cengage Learning).


Info at: www.mdpi.com/journal/heritage/apc

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Call webpage
Additional Notice from the Editor

Guest Editor
Dr. George Pavlidis