Journal of Interdisciplinary studies in Architecture and Urbanism
Publishing ZARCH Journal of Interdisciplinary studies in Architecture and Urbanism, requires a minimum of justification. At times when architecture and urbanism are experiencing substantial changes with the corresponding reconversion of the professional and research activity, the proliferation of academic publications, sometimes with traditional formats and standpoint, turns out to be a bit paradoxical. It’s obvious that research is one of the University’s tasks and the diffusion of its results through magazines that seek recognition from evaluating institutions. And that each University or School of Architecture needs to generate contributions that must be adequately spread, as a means to get jobs way outs which create researchers and professionals, logically, following society’s demands. But it’s also obvious that overdose risks exist when some people recognize a growing confusion in the “society of disinformation and lack of awareness” (Daniel Innerarity). Aware of this necessity and the risks that such an initiative entails, it’s a pleasure to present ZARCH magazine, fruit of a collective effort, with collaborators from different areas of knowledge and geographical origin, led by our Department of Architecture, in the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Zaragoza, and connected to the PUPC’s research group (Urban Landscapes and Contemporary Project). ZARCH adopts a double perspective. Firstly, a global vision, that is international, although with its headquarters in our University and in the Spanish and European sphere, which implies coming to terms that most of the contributions are published in English, even though it seems compatible with a special attention to the Latin languages, not only in Spanish but also in French, Italian, Portuguese and others. Secondly, an interdisciplinary, transversal approximation with integrating visions, starting from the architectural field but open to other disciplines according with the changing limits and situations that today characterize the architecture field and urban studies. This leads us to the acceptance of close disciplines, from social sciences to technical visions, with logic condition of the scientific quality of contributions, previously evaluated by a rigorous system of arbitration. In any case, the Scientific Council’s advice to the magazine, guarantees the rigour and the attention to the standpoints and methodologies more innovative in our fields. The idea is to stimulate the debate and not just publishing for publishing sake. What moves us is the need to potentiate a tool that suits the interchange of ideas, experiences and information; that is, trying to advance toward a real platform of debate about the problems and opportunities that today are set out in the world of architecture and urbanism.
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, DOAJ, ERIH Plus, Dialnet, ISOC, Latindex, MIAR and Scopus.
There is no fee of any kind charged for publishing.