Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering
The Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering aims to contribute to, resolve, or mitigate global and local problems related to the built environment. The journal produces valuable empirical knowledge and lessons for architects and building engineers, bringing together new ideas from Asian countries, where the largest share of the world’s population lives in densely populated urban areas, with developments from European, American and African countries. Articles published in the Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering contribute to evolution in the fields of architecture and building engineering. The journal is published in English to support international dissemination of Asian research. The Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering publishes research from authors worldwide in all aspects of science, technology and art that encompasses the following topics: The global environment, Architectural planning and design, Project management, Structural engineering, Structural mechanics, Building materials, Environmental engineering, Information technology, Other fields related to the built environment. The journal publishes original research articles. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering operates a double-blind peer review policy.
Science Citation Index Expanded, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Info at: www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=tabe20#pubCharge