Gold Open Access with APC
Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage
Quaderni di Scienza della Conservazione
Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage is a historical-technical Journal based on two main objectives to achieve an all-encompassing vision of interdisciplinarity and internationalization. The latter two terms represent the fundamental keywords the Journal adheres to, essential elements in today’s society and relevant cultural sectors:
– interdisciplinarity involves experts from the social and human sciences and experimental sciences working in symbiosis to resolve issues regarding the diversified themes of protecting and valorising both cultural and environmental heritage;
– internationalisation because the Journal underlines the meaning deriving from all forms of art and culture which go beyond local and national confines, reaching out to all corners of the world with its role of acculturation, joy, contemplation, enjoyment, pathos, enthusiasm, representing a globalized culture.
The Journal is accessible through the various websites of the listed publishers collaborators, academic libraries, ministries and institutions, highlighting the need for comprehensive studies and research with subsequent dissemination of the information in the scientific field. In this, the Journal responds to a natural demand for information and professional growth on the many issues related to the cultural heritage sector and aims to ensure a high standard in its scientific content.
ACNP – Italian Catalogue of Serials; ANVUR (Class A); BASE; DOAJ; EBSCO; ERIH PLUS; ESCI; Google Scholar; INTUTE; JournalTOCs; JURN; LibTOC – Scientific Literature Index; New Journal of Georgetow; OAJSE; PLEIADI – Electronic Literature Portal; Scirus; Scopus; SUMMONS – Serial Solutions; The Open University – United Kingdom; Ulrich’s; Worldcat.
The Journal is indexed also in the following universities library catalogs: Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries; China Educational Publications Import & Export Corporation; Hong Kong University Library; EZB – University of Regensburg Library; Manchester Metropolitan University; OPAC SBN – Italian National Library Service Catalog; ZDB – German National Library.
Authors are requested to make a partial contribution to cover publication costs in the form of Article Processing Charges (APCs). Payment of the APC (300.00 euros + VAT) will go towards editorial processing and printing of the scientific publication, including text, color figures, diagrams, tables, etc. and will allow the Author to receive one print copy of the Journal issue with their published paper. Only after a paper has been submitted to a preliminary evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief in line with the Journal’s scientific scope and aims, will it then be evaluated by the Journal’s Qualified Reviewers following the established peer review process. Authors of accepted papers will, at this point, pay the requested sum for the APC to the publishing house, L’Erma di Bretschneider Publisher.