Building Research & Information
Building Research and Information (BRI) focuses on the entire life cycle of buildings, from inception to designing, engineering and making, through the building in use phase, to disassembly and recovery. Unique to BRI is a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to a sustainable built environment, centered on the building and its context. We welcome original research, information papers, book reviews and evidence-based commentaries that acknowledge the complex and inter-related nature of our built environment, while focusing on the building. The journal scope includes research on a wide range of topics relating to buildings, embracing the what, why, how and when questions. Central to an integrated and sustainable built environment is building information, its generation, transmission, use, storage, access and management. The scope covers:
People | Motivations and actions of designers, engineers, makers, managers and users of buildings; user satisfaction; universal and inclusive design; education of stakeholders; supply chain capabilities; stakeholder needs; stewardship; building communities; culture;
Performance | The performance and impact of buildings in relation to design, engineering, environmental, economic, social, organizational, structural and technical factors; impact assessment and performance monitoring; thermal comfort and indoor climate; resource use;
Policy | Innovation; legislation, standards and codes; ethics and ethical sourcing; health, wellbeing and quality of life; building values; value of buildings; public policy; space standards; societal interests and sustainable building; engagement with buildings; security;
Product | De-carbonized buildings and sustainable development; mitigation, resilience and adaption to climate change; active building technologies and smart buildings; innovative and non-conventional building materials; healing environments; adaptive re-use, retrofit, disassembly and resource recovery; quality;
Process | Integrated and creative processes and systems; automation and craft; creation and making of buildings; management and use of built assets within a digital, creative and circular economy; optimization of design; innovative solutions to complex challenges; interfaces.
ANBAR; Architectural Publications Index API; ARCOM Construction Management Abstracts; Avery Periodical Index; British Technology Index; Building Management Abstracts; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Construction and Building Abstracts; Construction Information Digest; CRI Abstracts (India); Engineering Index; Entrepreneurship Research Engine; featuresexec.com; ICONDA ®Bibliographic; International Building Services Abstracts; International Civil Engineering Abstracts; International Developments Abstracts; ISMEC (Mechanical Engineering Abstracts); Journal of Planning Literature; RICS Abstracts; Science Citations Index (SCI); Science Direct; SciSearch Research Alert; Shandong Jianzhu University abstracts (in Chinese) and Urban Studies Abstracts.
Info at: www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=rbri20#oa