Code: J181-2021-GEC

Global Environmental Change
Human and Policy Dimensions
ISSN (print): 0959-3780
ISSN (online): 1872-9495
Topics: Adaptation Strategies, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Biodiversity, Built Environment, Case Studies, Circular Economy, Clean Energy, Clean Technologies, Climate Change, Complex Systems, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Data Analysis Processes, Data Management, Data Sensing and Analysis, Decision Support Systems, Digital Modeling, Dynamic Models, Ecology, Ecosystems, Enabling Technologies, Energy Efficiency, Energy Production, Energy Systems, Energy Transition, Environment, Environmental Assessment, Environmental Design, Environmental Impact, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sustainability, Environmental Technologies, Food Systems, Future Developments, Good Practices, Governance, Green Economy, Green Policies, Habitats, ICT, Innovative Applications, Innovative Approaches, Innovative Technologies, Interdisciplinary Approach, Internet of Things (IoT), Land Use, Landscape, Local Communities, Methods for Diagnostics, Mitigation Strategies, Modeling, Monitoring, Multi-scale Analysis, Natural Environment, Nature-based Solutions, Process Management, Process Modeling and Simulation, Renewable Resources, Resilience, Resource Management, Risk Management, SDGs 2030, Services, Simulation Tools, Smart Systems, Social Impact, Social Sustainability, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Energy, Urban Areas, Urban Development, Urban Landscapes, Vegetation, Water
Language: English
Country: Netherlands
Publisher: Elsevier